Отделение детской и неонатальной реанимации
Clinic of Pediatric and Neonatal Reanimation
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Head of the clinic: Kalenteryan H.Z.

More than 500 newborns and children being in need of intensive care are treated at the clinic.

Numerous innovations have been implemented at the clinic, namely:
Peritoneal dialysis in newborns
Catheterization of femoral veins in children
Catheterization of axillary veins in children
Application of simplified CPAP generators
Usage of surfactant
drainage of cerebral ventricles
Pleural cavity drainage by neonatologists
Complete parentheral nutrition

General blood, biochemical and serological, X-ray and ultrasound examinations are carried out as well as CT and MRI.
ICU of “SACRED HEART” Hospital, Spoken, USA
British Royal Pediatric College

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